Wednesday, August 4, 2010

'Pretty Little Liars' Recap: Episode 9, "The Perfect Storm"

By Karen Sanders
The Perfect Storm begins with Hanna, Aria and Spencer studying for the SATs at Spencer's house. Emily, however, is strangely absent. While her friends are busy learning long words, Emily arrives at home caked in mud and dripping wet from the approaching storm. After the way the previous episode ended - with Ali's memorial being smashed up - Emily's appearance makes us wonder exactly what she had been up to.
With the storm brewing over Rosewood, the high school kids are in school waiting to take their exam. With the storm making it's way into town though, many students can't make it in and those who do later become locked in for their own safety.
Pretty Little Liars - Emily's Story
In the midst of the exam and storm chaos, Detective Wilden is back and smarmy as ever. Emily is his target again this week, and him noticing her muddy shoes does not help. He also informs her that Toby was spotted at a gas station near to Ali's memorial and is still convinced that Emily knows where he is.
When the Pretty Little Liars are questioned on their whereabouts at the time of Ali's memorial bashing, Emily lies and says she was studying at Spencer's. Her friends cover for her but when Wilden leaves, they ask where she really was. Emily makes up a story and gets snappy when they question her further. At the same time, she receives a text message from A about Great Expectations. Leaving the other girls surprised by her mood, Emily heads into the library in search of the book. She locates Great Expectations and finds a letter inside. A letter she wrote to Ali about them kissing. A flashback shows Ali giving Emily a serious come-on while reading Great Expectations and the two kiss. However, a later flashback shows Ali flirting with Emily again and when Emily makes a move, Ali flips out and tells her she is just using Emily as kissing practice for when she kisses boys. Those incidences were the reason Emily wrote the letter. To vent her frustration and anger over being tormented.
While Emily is in the library, the storm outside is growing wilder. The lights go out and she panics when a book falls off the shelf. She goes to investigate and finds nothing but when she gets back to her spot both her bag and the letter have gone. Freaked out, she heads down to the locker room, where everyone else is now sheltering. She is there for just a few minutes when Wilden shows up and says he has found something that belongs to her.
Emily follows his back to the library and her friends follow too, anxious to find out what has been happening. Wilden shows Emily that he has located her bag and the letter, and demands she tells her friends all about the kissing and how she wanted revenge on Ali for messing her around. He also shows a photo he received of Emily at the trashed memorial. The other Pretty Little Liars are all stunned at this news. They are further shocked to find that Emily has stowed the little statues that were on Ali's bird bath thing at the memorial in her bag. Emily begins to cry and explains that she went to the memorial but it had already been destroyed. She took the statues because they were the only things that weren't broken. Wilden goes on to reveal that Emily wrote the letter to Ali three days before she went missing and just when he is about to deepen his questioning, Spencer's mum walks in and asks what is going on. When the girls tell her, Mrs Hastings tells Wilden in no uncertain terms that questioning minors without an adult present makes anything he discovered inadmissible in court and that his career is over.

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Credit - Karen Sanders @ associated content
Kelli at Gossip Freak

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